


Trade Under Blockade: The Influence of the Sino-French War (1884-1885) on Taiwan




黃寶雯(Pao-wen Huang)


陶德 ; 封鎖線 ; 清法戰爭 ; 淡水海關 ; 關稅 ; Sino-French War ; Tamsui ; John Dodd ; blockade ; customs duties




69期(2023 / 06 / 01)


77 - 109




在1884年至1885年的清法戰爭中,法艦一度對臺灣拉起了一條封鎖線。透過茶商陶德(John Dodd)在Journal of a Blockaded Resident in North Formosa during the Franco-Chinese War, 1884-5一書的描述,這條封鎖線大致給予人臺灣商品外銷受挫的印象。然而事實上,這條封鎖線實存期間不過半年,由淡水海關的報告及統計數據中,可以看到1883年至1885年間,淡水海關的進出口關稅總額不降反升,甚至在1885年達到自淡水開港以來的高點。這些現象透露出法艦封鎖對臺灣造成的影響,其實與過往我們的印象有著一段巨大的落差。本文試圖從淡水海關的紀錄出發,重新探討清法戰爭間法艦的封鎖對臺灣所造成之影響,以及封鎖線為何有印象與實際情形的落差,而這種落差又是如何形成的。


During the Sino-French War of 1884-1885, the French imposed a trade blockade on goods to and from Taiwan. The British tea merchant John Dodd (1838-1907) would later write of his impressions of these events in his Journal of a Blockaded Resident in North Formosa during the Franco-Chinese War, 1884-1885. According to Dodd, the blockade had a devastating impact on the local economy. The present paper argues, however, that such a view is, in fact, highly misleading; for contemporary trade reports and statistical records of the Tamsui customs office show that export and import duties increased rather than decreased between 1883-1885. Indeed, collections of export and import duties reached peak levels in 1885. In addition to showing that our general impression of the Sino-French War is mistaken, this paper also examines why such a disparity exists between our perception of the war and the reality of what actually happened.

主题分类 人文學 > 歷史學
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