This study explores and conflates the two ends of Indian diaspora trajectory, namely, the ancestral and imaginary home to call attention to the left-behind home into critical consideration. One conclusion this study draws is that Jhumpa Lahiri's "Interpreter of Maladies" is never a sequel to "E. M. Forster's A Passage to India" in that postcolonial returns are heavily loaded with differentiated differences. It is precisely these (un-) comfortable positioning these postcolonial returnees find themselves in to plant crannies for these differentiated differences, as it were. The home returned to becomes indeed a site of conflicts. The writers discussed take up the overlooked home and call our critical and hermeneutic attention to such negligence. Lahiri demonstrates a postcolonial inversion to "Forster's A Passage to India" by infusing a disturbing dimension in that she telescopes histories to have her chauffeur-cum-interpreter engage in a dialogue with Forster in a marked difference, one that refuses easy leveling and calls for further differentiation. In differentiating differences in the strangers of Naipaul and Lahiri, it is not so much as value that matters as the conflicts arisen therein.
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