


Cultural Translation and the Production of Local Sensibility in Taiwan Modernist Fiction




邱貴芬(Kuei-Fen Chiu)


台灣文學 ; 翻譯 ; 在地性的生產 ; 西化 ; 現代主義 ; 仿冒抄襲 ; Taiwan modernist literature ; roots ; translation ; materiality of literary production ; flows ; production of locality ; Taiwanese sensibility




34卷10期(2006 / 03 / 01)


125 - 154






This paper examines the dialectic between roots and routes via the example of Taiwan modernist fiction. Of all literary movements in the hsitory of Taiwan literature, the modernist literary movement from the late 1950s to the early 1970s illustrates best the translation desire that accompanies the development of Taiwan literature. This study discusses the historical material conditions that gave rise to Taiwan modernist fiction and helped to shape its distinguished features. It argues that Taiwan modernism, rather than a mindless imitation of Western modernism, had a trajectory and agenda of its own. The special configuration of Taiwan modernist writing cannot be fully appreciated without an in-depth exploration of the material conditions of Taiwan in the 1960s as a specific site of literary production in a particular historical conjuncture. This study argues that it was the radical transformation of time-space experience under the audio-visual impact of large cultural flows and demographic change in post-war Taiwan that worked as the momentum of Taiwan's modernist movement. The disruption of the homogeneous time/space scheme in a very significant number of Taiwan modernist fictional works not only reflects the writers' penchant for "Westernization" but also speaks of the writers' excitement and anxiety in a time of radical change. The attention to the materiality of literary production may help us see how Taiwan modernist fiction is shot through with a peculiar Taiwanese sensibility and how "roots" grow out of mobile routes of cultural translation.

主题分类 人文學 > 中國文學
人文學 > 外國文學
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