


Bao Tianxiao and Late Qing-Early Republican Educational Fiction




梅家玲(Chia-Ling Mei)


清末民初 ; 教育 ; 小說 ; 教育小說 ; 包天笑 ; late Qing-early Republic ; education ; fiction ; educational fiction ; Bao Tianxiao




35卷1期(2006 / 06 / 01)


155 - 183






Liang Qichao's famous dictum "Whoever wants to reform the people of a nation must first reform that nation's fiction" led not only to a revolution in fiction writing and provoked the idea of using fiction to educate and enlighten the masses; his contemporaries also took to translating and imitating a great amount of foreign fiction. On the long list of translated titles, "educational fiction" undoubtedly occupies a special position and deserves our attention. This is because educational fiction-besides political fiction, detective novels, and science fiction-constitutes one more new fictional genre (as opposed to the traditional shuobu fiction) that presented contemporary Chinese readers with a radically new reading experience. At the same time, their narratives emphasized the turbulences of growing up and life in the schools and educational institutions, matching neatly a social reality characterized by the yearning for the "spirit of youthfulness" and a stress on education and enlightenment. Thus, they provided the young generation with a concrete model for studying and growing up. Yet while importing Western "educational fiction," the late Qing literati were also committed to questions of education and began to write their own works on diverse forms of "educational imagination." The vernacular "education" fiction produced by late Qing writers and the "educational fiction" imported from the West and translated into classical prose do equally deal not only with issues such as the foreign/Chinese, old/new, and classical/vernacular binaries; they are also new patterns for temporal and spatial narratives and the imagination of the youth, they are a site of contestation between literary tradition and modernity. Moreover, the advent of industrialized cultural production brought with it multiple complex interactions and led to the surfacing of numerous problems that await our attention. The present article starts from the translations and works of Bao Tianxiao (1878-1973), the foremost pioneer introducing educational fiction in the late Qing and early Republican era; it aims to investigate the various issues associated with "education" and "fiction," "tradition" and "modernity," and "commercialism" and "enlightenment."

主题分类 人文學 > 中國文學
人文學 > 外國文學
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