


Taboo and Transgression: Pietro Aretino's Erotic Writings




賴守正(Shou-Cheng Lai)


踰越 ; 阿雷提諾 ; 情色書寫 ; 妓女 ; 肛交 ; 反教會 ; transgression ; Aretino ; erotic writings ; prostitute ; sodomy ; anti-clericalism




35卷5期(2006 / 10 / 01)


41 - 80




本論文從巴代耶(Georges Bataille)所揭櫫情色的踰越特性切入,探析素有「現代情色文學之父」之稱的十六世紀義大利作家阿雷提諾(Pietro Aretino)的情色代表作《淫穢短詩》(Sonetti lussuriosi, 1524/25)與《對話錄》(Ragionamento, 1534/36)中的多重踰越面向。「作家像妓女一樣待價而沽」的現實壓力與體會,創就了阿雷提諾作品中強烈的市場取向。為了吸引廣大的讀者群,「妓女與性」自然而然地成為其情色作品的賣點,更是他用以反抗加諸於寫作與肉體諸般限制的利器。在他結合色情與諷刺的妓女書寫(porno-graphies)中,長期箝制身體與寫作自由的天主教會,很明顯地成為其嘲諷批判的主要目標。而擺脫了先前層層枷鎖的《淫穢短詩》與《對話錄》,也就成了教會當局的眼中釘,必除之而後快。


This article analyzes, from the perspective of Georges Bataille's notion of transgression, the transgessive nature of Pietro Aretino's two celebrated erotic works: Sonetti lussuriosi (1524/25) and Ragionamento (1534/36). As the "Father of Modern Pornography," Aretino is the first professional/erotic writer catering to the market and to the taste of the general public. Writing erotica for the general public itself is already a transgressive gesture which defies the taboos of Catholic Church. Furthermore, in his writings of prostitutes (porno-graphies), Aretino uses prostitutes, who, as the social critique par excellence, share the same fate as writers, as a vehicle for his anti-clericalism as well as a social critique of Renaissance Italy.

主题分类 人文學 > 中國文學
人文學 > 外國文學
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