The paper explores interformation, or how representation and simulation interlace in digital literary works. Representation is the core form of expression for old media while simulation is primary in new media. Unraveling how these two means of expression intertwine in digital works is a task of digging deeper into a poetic dimension only lightly discussed in new media theories. This excavation steps away from comparative approaches to the issues of old and new media, of analog and digital media, domineeringly prevalent in new media theories such as N. Katherine Hayles's "intermediation" and Jay David Bolter and Richard Grusin's "remediation." Both of these theories, founded on the differentiation of medial properties, attempt to lay bare assorted ways that old and new media mix, combine, or integrate with each other in a work. Mostly focusing on forms of representation, their discussions shed little light on the understanding of forms of simulation in digital works. To address this deficiency, the paper places emphasis on the two forms of expression and their interforming, instead of on medial properties and their intermediating or remediating. The paper further categorizes forms of simulation into two types: inner procedure and outer procedure. Thereafter, works are cited and analyzed to exemplify the procedurality embedded in them.
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