


Shame and the Sinophone Subject-The Idea and Practice of Locality in Shi Shu-ching's Walking through Lo-chin




詹閔旭(Min-Xu Zhan)


情感 ; 踐履 ; 離散華人 ; 華語語系文學 ; 台灣大河小說 ; affect ; performativity ; Chinese diaspora ; Sinophone literature ; Taiwan saga novel




41卷2期(2012 / 06 / 01)


55 - 84






Current Chinese studies tend to conceptualize the concept of "shame" in terms of the dialectic between the vision of new China and the identification of China as a sick man in a nationalistic context. However, with the rise of local consciousness in the Sinophone world, we are increasingly called to pay attention to a new sense of "shame": feeling ashamed of one's Chinese heritage and identity. This paper argues, via the case study of Shi Shu-ching's novel Walking through Lo-chin, how this new notion of shame enhances our understanding of the Sinophone subject. It also discusses how the use of selfdenial and self-reflexivity accompanied by a sense of shame shapes a new placedriven imagination that is distinguished from the place-based imagination. The notion of Sinophone shame helps shed light on the intriguing interplay between localized practices and Chinese cultural heritages.

主题分类 人文學 > 中國文學
人文學 > 外國文學
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