


The Revolutionary Discourse of 1950s Left-Wing Hong Kong Films-"Loving Father", "Faithful Son", "A Teacher's Reward", and "Rainbow"




陳智德(Chi-Tak Chan)


左翼電影 ; 革命話語 ; 《父慈子孝》 ; 《桃李滿天下》 ; 《虹》 ; left-wing films ; revolutionary discourse ; "Loving Father" ; "Faithful Son" ; "A Teacher's Reward" ; "Rainbow"




42卷1期(2013 / 03 / 01)


129 - 153






Compared with the first wave of post-war leftist films such as Dawn Must Come (1950), Old Memories of Canton (1951) and Peasant Takes a Wife (1950), the second wave films produced after 1952 expressed toned-down political messages of "anti-imperialism" and "anti-feudalism," with direct propaganda replaced by subtler and oblique expression, due to political changes, internal reforms within the leftist camp, and political pressure from the HK Government after 1949. This essay explores the revolutionary discourse in these second wave leftist films that deal with internal disagreements, rethinking of revolutionary strategies and directions, and the dissemination of revolutionary discourse, by focusing on the following three films as examples. Loving Father, Faithful Son (1953) is an exposition of the struggles within the revolutionary camp under the disguise of a moral story. A Teacher's Reward (1954) deals with the more complicated issue of the struggle between different revolutionary directions underneath its surface story on the education for overseas Chinese. And in Rainbow (1960), an adaptation of the eponymous novel by Mao Dun, the revolutionary discourse is told in a more elusive, metaphorical manner, the message of which, however, local audiences have no difficulty in deciphering. Due to factors such as changes in the larger political situation, pressure from the Hong Kong Government, and commercial consideration, the revolutionary discourse is in general expressed in more implicit ways in these second wave leftist films of Hong Kong.

主题分类 人文學 > 中國文學
人文學 > 外國文學
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