


Cold War Humanism: Yan Yuanshu and His Critical Practices




王智明(Chih-Ming Wang)


顏元叔 ; 新批評 ; 冷戰 ; 人文主義 ; 反西方 ; 社會寫實主義 ; 在地立時性 ; Yan Yuanshu ; New Criticism ; Cold War ; Humanism ; anti-Western ; social realism ; local immediacy




43卷1期(2014 / 03 / 01)


121 - 168






Foreign literature studies in Taiwan were gradually formalized in the 1960s. In revisiting this history, Yan Yuan-shu represents a landmark that can neither be missed nor ignored. It is not merely because Yan was a pioneer of the field, but rather because his critical practice, and his eventual anti-Western stance, cogently rearticulated the paradoxical legacy of the May Fourth generation in relation to the West. His standpoint was thus unique in the stirring 1970s when Taiwan was still under a repressive regime and at the advent of the burgeoning 1990s as China began its "peaceful rise." By introducing New Criticism and comparative literature to Taiwan's academy, Yan's writing not only was replete with the literary aesthetic of the Cold War but also explored a social realist approach that was based on national consciousness and local sensibility. His critical practice refracted the cultural political formation of the Cold War and the institutionalization of literary criticism in Taiwan by posing important questions for us: What is the function of literature and why do we study the West and its literature? How should we, as scholars and students in Taiwan, look at Western literature and understand the function of literary criticism as a Western import? What is the relationship between literature and society? By revisiting Yan's critical writings, this article attempts to explain what the West-as an object of knowledge and an epistemic position-means to us during the Cold War era, and explore how we can inherit and advance Yan's critical legacies for thinking about foreign literary studies today.

主题分类 人文學 > 中國文學
人文學 > 外國文學
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