This essay takes the development of Asian American studies in Taiwan as an example for exploring the shifting role of Western cultures (tentatively generalized as "Euro-America") in Taiwan's foreign literary studies (tentatively generalized as "us"). The first part traces and unravels Taiwan academia's "special affinity" toward Asian American studies. Though linking "Asia" and "America" in its name and contributing to racial mixture and cultural creolization, "Asian America," as this essay suggests, does not necessarily bridge the distance, much less set up a point of convergence, between Asian and American cultures and histories. Instead, the increasingly diversifying Asian American population and their diverging itineraries cast into relief the centrifugal propellant and antisameness potential of Asian America. Drawing on the psychoanalytic dialogic model of transference that pushes open the affective contours of selves and others, this essay further probes the transferential time-space evoked by Asian America: not only do Asian American traumatic experiences of immigration, migration, and diaspora compel differentiations of selves through encounters with others but Asian American studies have intervened into the power hierarchy between "Euro-America" and "us," forcefully generating unprescribed minor networking across Asia and the Pacific. This essay ultimately proposes a minoritizing transformation of "Euro-America": to comprehend "Euro-America" not as a hegemonic and static entity but as a minor and centrifugal "other" that Taiwan's foreign literary studies could possibly converse with through transferential affects.
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