Marc Auge, contemporary French ethnologist, used the term "nonlieux" to designate all kinds of transitional spaces, such as highways, airports, stations, supermarkets, trains, etc., all of which are indispensable for everyday life nowadays. But unlike other spaces, non-lieux spaces have a contradictory and even negative side. Whoever enters non-lieux is doomed to be alone and somehow lost in anonymous crowd. Here everyone does the same thing for the same purpose and loses for a moment his or her own self-identity in such places without temporal and local specificity that one will be both at ease and in anxiety. For Auge, this situation is precisely characterized by sur-modernity, which, unlike modernity, does not coexist with the past time, but rather, closes the past inside a spectacle frame. One may realize it only through mediated words everywhere around. The common but estranged experiences associated with non-lieux are widely depicted in the everyday life literary writing in the France after the flourishing economic Age of Les Trente glorieuses (1945-75 or 1950-80). Nourished by multiple theories, Georges Perec (1936-1982), who throughout his short life as writer invented many new ways of writing about everyday life, should be considered a forerunner for the generation to come after 1980. New ways of writing are surely experimental in every respect from description to narration. About the subject of non-lieux, we are particularly interested in works of Francois Bon, such as 15021 (illustrated by photos of Jerome Schlomoff) and Parking, in which he deals not only with the decadent space viewed inside or outside non-lieux, but also with those who live there as sort of "left-behind", neglected and almost invisible to society, so they are not just simply ordinary "users" in non-lieux defined by Auge, but remnants of this oblivious part of world in agony.
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