In the wake of the Japanese bombing of Pearl Harbor, the loyalty of Japanese Americans and Japanese Canadians was called into question and anti-Japanese sentiments in North America ran high. In March 1942, over 110,000 people of Japanese descent in the U.S. and over 20,000 in Canada were forcibly relocated to internment camps. The injustice was redressed in the late 1980s and early 1990s, with the governments offering national apologies and reparations. Nevertheless, the national narrative of the interment continues to depict it as a regrettable step that appeared necessary in its time. While the historical account of the internment tries to whitewash the event, people of Japanese descent in North America still strive to recall, record, and respond to the collective trauma by various means. This paper discusses three plays written by Japanese Americans/Canadians during the height of Redress Movement, 12-1-A by Wakako Yamauchi (b. 1924), Yellow Fever (1982) by Rick Shiomi, and The Wash (1985, 1987) by Philip Kan Gotanda. Yamauchi was seventeen when she was sent to the camp, and thus her semiautobiographical 12-1-A serves as her personal testimony. Although Shiomi and Gotanda did not personally experience the internment themselves, their plays call attention to this historical event that harshly impacted their parents and continues to influence the Japanese American/Canadian community. By juxtaposing three plays of succeeding generations, we see how the incident had been remembered, imagined, narrated, and passed on to consolidate community identity. Before the injustice was officially corrected, the emergence of these plays in the '80s was charged with political urgency since many of the victims were still alive. The paper compares the narrative strategies playwrights of succeeding generations employed in treating the memory of the internment.
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謝筱玫譯、Conquergood, Dwight(2010)。人類表演學:干預與批評性研究。戲劇藝術:上海戲劇學院學報,154,33-42。