Although it is still debatable whether anthropomorphism simply presents a vision of animals based on human's distortive unilateral projection, with the advent of Actor-Network theory (abbreviated as ANT), more and more critics start to assume that it grants legitimacy to our empathizing with nonhuman animals. Jane Bennett, for instance, acknowledging all nonhuman bodies as members of a public, contends that animals, vegetables, minerals, like humans, are all actants participating in the same assemblage. Moreover, she alleges that with the aid of new procedures and technologies, we will even be able to consult nonhumans more closely, to learn to listen to their propositions and respond more carefully to their objections. This paper seeks to inquire whether the human-animal assemblage, endorsed by critics like Bennett, Bruno Latour and Donna Haraway, does indeed promise interspecies intimacy between humans and animals. Using Lewis Carroll's Alice books as a case in point, this article attempts to illustrate whether and/or how the notion of assemblage may shed light on our co-evolution with animals. It will also unearth the significance of animal ethics in Alice Books, lest we prematurely celebrate the "democracy of objects" upheld by ANT scholars and other like-minded theorists.
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