Toward the end of the Second World War, a myriad of prisoners of war, who were mostly soldiers of the British Commonwealth, were captured and forced by the Japanese Empire to extract copper in Kinkaseki-today's Jinguashi, New Taipei City, Taiwan. Their stories about life in the camp, little known and studied, have been largely ignored and forgotten for several decades. Among the historical accounts of POWs in Kinkaseki, Jack Edwards's book Banzai, You Bastards! (1990) narrates this history in unprecedented detail. As a survivor, he describes the painful life, unbearable suffering, and numerous deaths in the camp. In this paper, I employ the Italian philosopher Giorgio Agamben's theory of biopolitics as a point of departure to deal with life issues in Banzai, You Bastards! I discuss the Kinkaseki POW Camp with reference to this thinker's concept of sovereignty and life, as well as examine the conditions of life endured by the war prisoners in Taiwan during the Japanese colonial period. I further extend my argument to explore ethical issues, such as bare life and resistance, witness and memory, and forgetting and forgiving.
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