


"Illusio Game" and "Play with Suspension": A Comment on Jacques Rancière's Critique of Pierre Bourdieu




廖育正(Yu-Cheng Liao)


洪席耶 ; 布爾迪厄 ; 康德 ; 美學 ; 遊戲 ; 遊玩 ; Jacques Ranciere ; Pierre Bourdieu ; Immanuel Kant ; aesthetics ; game ; play




48卷1期(2019 / 03 / 31)


127 - 162






Pierre Bourdieu takes a "vulgar" position to criticize Immanuel Kant's aesthetics. Bourdieu refutes Kant's philosophical concept of "disinterestedness," and insists that taste is highly related to social construction and formation. Bourdieu also claims that subjectivity is realized through games of "illusio." However, Jacques Ranciere argues that Bourdieu restricts the subject's taste and autonomy inside the social frame and overlooks the possibility of "free play" and "suspension" within "the police order." The two academics' debate is a dialectic between contrasting perspectives of structure and agency. This article attempts to unravel these two perspectives with the concepts of "illusio game," "play with suspension," and the three distinct levels of autonomy.

主题分类 人文學 > 中國文學
人文學 > 外國文學
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