


Drifting, Abjection and Dissatisfaction: The Minority Creation of Manini-Wei




蔡玫姿(Mei-Tzu Tsai)


馬尼尼為 ; 馬華文學 ; 母職 ; 繪本 ; 賤斥 ; Manini-Wei ; Chinese literature in Malaysia ; motherhood ; picture book ; abjection




49卷1期(2020 / 03 / 31)


159 - 190






The case study of this paper is the graphic-text composition of Manini-Wei, a Malaysian female author and a Taiwanese new immigrant. The keynotes of her creation theme are abject motherhood and adaptation to a new homeland. In Shining with Your Impurity (2013), Obscurity Family picture book series (2016), and No Avenue (2018), she forms her discourse of "Heretic Motherhood." This particular study focuses on the following issues: (1) How her transformation from a Chinese literature writer in Malaysia to a Malaysian immigrant writer in Taiwan is achieved through her marriage, and how this transformation represents her expatriation; (2) Wei's creative mantra, "I hate so I write," will be interpreted with the theory of abjection to understand the origin and development of her creativity. Wei's theories of creation (instinct creation, trash technique, incompleteness, interflow of professional and everyday life) are examined as a strategy to maintain the existence of a creative mother; (3) How Wei, who lacked social network due to her motherhood and being a foreigner, was able to raise funds for her picture book publication will be taken as a strategy to improve the publishing space and is representative of "minority creation" in the publishing industry.

主题分类 人文學 > 中國文學
人文學 > 外國文學
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