This article argues that as a historical novel Wu Ming-yi's The Stolen Bicycle deals with historical re-membering through unraveling loss and retrieval. The disappearance of the narrator's father signifies the loss of Taiwanese history. The narrator seeks to find his father and retrieve his life story, in the process of which he becomes an amateurish cultural worker, familiarizing himself with the stories of several characters, objects, and animals. Unlike fictions about Taiwanese Imperial Japan Servicemen in the 1970s and 1980s, this novel focuses on both the servicemen and their sons born after World War II, seeking to retrieve war memories, postwar memories about the "Lost Generation" and their offspring, as well as memories about the Japanese legacy of modernity. Moreover, it delves into family and ethnic reconciliations, the healing of war and postwar trauma, critical reflections on modernity and concerns for animals. The first section of the article deals with the meanings of loss and retrieval; the second section explores re-memory, ethnic reconciliation, and generational heritage; the third section discusses how the novel reflects on modernity and reconstructs postwar memories; the fourth section examines facticity and textuality; the fifth section is the conclusion.
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