


Mediations and Transformations of Social Issues: Analysis of Two Taiwan Indigenous Documentaries of Sasuyu Ubalat




林文玲(Wen-ling Lin)


原住民紀錄片 ; 中介 ; 現代性轉化 ; 聲音 ; 物質 ; indigenous documentary ; mediation ; transformation in modernity ; voice ; matter




49卷4期(2020 / 12 / 31)


25 - 66






Indigenous documentary in Taiwan has been developing for more than 20 years since the late 1990s. During this period, Taiwanese society has been further implicated in the system of globalization, capital flows, and the neoliberal economy. The aboriginal communities living in the remote counties have undergone rapid changes in politics, economy, and culture. The social conflicts that emerged from these changes and the sharp issues concerning survival rights have become significant themes in the indigenous documentary films in recent years. Paiwan director Sasuyu Ubalat's two films, Last 12.8km and Get Out, face and deal with the contested and controversial issues of road construction and nuclear waste storage site selection. The director juxtaposes diverse positions and viewpoints of the local people through the audio-visual construction of these two documentaries. In so doing, these two films present, confront, and extend the divergence of opinions in the space of intermediality. The roads and nuclear wastes, which are materials and media themselves, also emit their unique sounds inside and outside the images, and resonate with the narratives and viewpoints of the films, thus mediating the contemporary issues facing indigenous people and their multi-dimensional transformations in the process of modernity.

主题分类 人文學 > 中國文學
人文學 > 外國文學
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