


The Relation of Non-Relation: On Foucault's Macro-Micro Analyses of Power and the Possibility of Dialectical Separation




吳建亨(Chien-heng Wu)


關係性 ; 傅柯 ; 巴迪烏 ; 生命政治 ; 治理性 ; 抵抗 ; relationality ; Michel Foucault ; Alain Badiou ; biopolitics ; governmentality ; revolt




50卷3期(2021 / 09 / 30)


55 - 89






Focusing on Foucault's genealogical inquiry of modern techniques of power, this paper explores how Foucault's late turn toward the question of governmentality sketches out a new configuration of power. Through the metaphorical lens of the Deleuzian concept of the fold, I attempt to unpack in Foucault's account the dynamic process of folding between the macro and micro analyses of power: from the sovereign power situated at the macro level to the micro-physics of the disciplinary power, then folding up again to the macro level through the registering of the population as a new biopolitical subject; the proper functioning of which paradoxically scales back to the micro level, as it relies on a security apparatus strategically engaging all the actors of a given milieu in a relationship of co-causality. It then appears that the concept of governmentality, as the culminating synthesis of Foucault's analysis of power, would recast the power/resistance nexus in terms of permanent provocation-hence, an interminable relation of non-relation. However, there is yet another folding that gives rise to a dialectical separation, allowing puissance de vie to break out of the aporetic structure of the non-relational relation and acquire a rationality of its own, a rationality of revolt.

主题分类 人文學 > 中國文學
人文學 > 外國文學
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