


Visualizing Migrant Worker Issues: Workplace and Biopolitics in Contemporary Taiwan Documentaries




謝欣芩(Hsin-Chin Hsieh)


紀錄片 ; 移工 ; 職場空間 ; 裸命 ; 生命政治 ; documentary ; migrant worker ; workplace ; bare life ; biopolitics




51卷1期(2022 / 03 / 31)


95 - 130






In response to the urgent need of labor force in Taiwan, the population of international migrant workers has been growing in recent decades. The difficulties these workers have undergone, such as exploitation and encroachment on rights and humanity, are noteworthy. With the case studies of Hospital Wing 8 East, Squid Jigging Fishing Boat, and See You, Loveable Stranger, this essay examines how contemporary Taiwan documentaries represent socially-marginalized Southeast Asian migrant workers and carve out their predicaments in the workplace. As migrant workers are inclusively excluded by the law and the social structure in Taiwan, how do these documentaries respond to the biopolitical situation manifested in the workplace? This essay looks into three research questions: (1) migrant worker's form of life in the labor process; (2) the dynamic construction between migrant worker's subjectivity and workplace; (3) the relation of seeing and being-seen among migrant workers, their employers, and Taiwanese people in general. I argue that these sociopolitical documentaries as a tool of representation and critique visualize and embody the relevant issues. However, though the films have returned a voice to the voiceless, the possibility of calling attention to the policy initiative of migrant workers' human rights in Taiwan through documentary filmmaking is still limited.

主题分类 人文學 > 中國文學
人文學 > 外國文學
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