


The Revolutionary Horror: The Leftist Monster Narrative and the Sound-Effect Practices in the Early Chinese Horror Film Song at Midnight




李馥名(Fu-ming Lee)


馬徐維邦 ; 田漢 ; 冼星海 ; 《夜半歌聲》 ; 華語恐怖電影 ; 左翼電影 ; 無聲源音響 ; Ma-Xu Weibang ; Tian Han ; Xian Xinghai ; Song at Midnight ; Chinese horror film ; left-wing cinema ; acousmatic sounds




52卷1期(2023 / 03 / 31)


51 - 91






Focusing on Song at Midnight (1937), a Chinese horror film inspired by the Hollywood silent film The Phantom of the Opera (1925), this paper analyzes the complex combination of horror and leftism in China's early film history. Rather than emphasizing that leftists used popular genres to promote leftism, this study points out that Song at Midnight employed leftist elements to create new cinematic trends when the horror film market had declined in China. Specifically, I highlight how the film illustrates a complex of industrial production, commercial drives, and ideological motivations that shaped pluralistic, even contradictory, relationships among horror, leftism, and the use of sound. I first contextualize Song at Midnight within the film market and related production processes. Second, I examine the class component of director Ma-Xu Weibang's monster narratives, and the contradictory attitudes of Tian Han, the script consultant, toward the horror films of German Expressionism. Finally, I turn to Xian Xinghai's soundtrack for the film, which exemplifies the use of "acousmatic sounds" as a mode to communicate with the "other," and to manage one's fear of such alterity in modern experiences.

主题分类 人文學 > 中國文學
人文學 > 外國文學
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