With the progress of information technology, children picture books have no longer be restricted to traditional paper picture books composed of printed texts and static pictures; instead, various digital media integrated electronic picture books are gradually developed. Electronic picture books present the advantages of better interactivity and multimedia elements than traditional paper picture books and could better attract children's reading interests. Nevertheless, electronic picture books also exist in excessive animation causing children indulging in sensory stimulation and diverting the reading attention. Moreover, electronic picture books could damage children's visual acuity. Thus, paper picture books are considered more suitable for long-term reading. However, paper picture books show dull model on supporting reading. The combination of digital pens with paper-reading is therefore emerged in the past years and the plural reading model integrating listening, speaking, reading, and writing has been developed because integrating digital pen with paper reveals the advantages of multimedia and interactive functions. Based on prediction strategy, this study applies brain-wave attention detection system and heart rate variability emotion sensing technology to discussing the effects of traditional paper picture books, electronic picture books, and digital pen assisted paper picture books on children's reading motivation, reading emotion, reading attention, and reading comprehension performance. The findings of the study include that children applying digital pen supported paper picture books and prediction strategy present better reading motivation than the ones reading paper picture books and electronic picture books with prediction strategy. Moreover, three reading modes of picture book have no significant difference in emotion. Also, children utilizing digital pen supported paper picture books with prediction strategy reveal better reading attention than the ones reading paper picture books with prediction strategy, but do not appear significant difference from the others reading electronic picture books with prediction strategy. Reading electronic picture books and digital pen supported paper picture books with prediction strategy shows better reading comprehension performance than traditional paper reading with prediction strategy, and such two reading models appear the same reading comprehension performance. Finally, the study also proposes several valuable suggestions for parents, teachers, children reading promotion units, and future researchers, tending to provide benefits in enhancing children reading abilities.
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