Although it has been announced and implemented on the act of property declaration by public servants for more than 20 years, the applicants are still punished and the situations cause unceasing complaint; the property management agencies carry a heavy responsibility for handling property inquiry; the property declaration agencies (organizations) also have a heavy load with the business process, and therefore can’t find the potential corruption offenders; as we know, the legislative intent of the well‐formed government ethics and the clean behaviors of the public servants could not be achieved. On the other hand, it is an important way that helps us to escape the predicament with the ability to construct checking methods and tools through taking the initiative in seeking the corruption; afterward, they will bring new opportunities to find illegal cases by exploring the property big data. This study thus aims to construct a new business model for property declaration by public servants, and explore the possible methods of data analysis through property big data, such as data mining; moreover, the processing procedures are developed for using property big data, and then the innovative service model is created, which will be put in practice and have the opportunity to truly achieve the legislative purpose.
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