The purpose of the study is to explore investment and finance information needs from social Q&A websites. The question types and information need characteristics were analaysized from social Q&A websites's question data in order to understand investment and finance information needs and trend. This study used content analysis method to analyze a total of 800 questions selected from savings, stock, insurance and real estate knowledge categories of Yahoo! Answers. The research results six question types are shown as the followings: factual, advice, identification, quality, prescriptive and others. The factual question is the most frequent questions among six question types; it indicates that investors need objective information. Furthermore, three problem stages were identified in this study including information clarification stage, assess stage and decision‐making stage. Most questions are asked during the information clarification stage, it shows that investors encountered difficulties when they explore investment and finance information from the very beginning. Question characteristics include action, cognition, and emotion dimensions. Each knowledge categories appear different dimension characteristics. Overall, in each knowledge categories, the action dimension is the most frequent question dimensions; thereafter, cognition dimension and emotion dimension. In action dimension, when investors encountered savings problem, they asked direct questions with few personal background information. However, investors often provided their personal information in order to get the suitable answer when encountering insurance problem. In cognition dimension, investors needed more analytical information in stock knowledge categories and more factual information in real estate knowledge categories. In emotion dimension, the highest amount of questions was in the real estate knowledge categories. Questions among stock knowledge categories presented the most various types of emotions and showed variety kinds of positive and negative emotions.
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