Currently library book retrieval methods can provide the call numbers to the users. Then, the users can employ those numbers to access the books on the related shelves sequentially. However, the time of querying and retrieval flow is very long. Especially, when users conduct the cross field learning or children users search books, the desire books can not be accessed efficiently. As to the library guide service, the positioning technology is necessary in order to obtain the positions of users in the library and then by using the positions the guide service can provide the related route guides. Nevertheless, as the library is a close space so as not to be able to access the signals of satellites. Thus, the global positioning system can not be utilized in the libraries. In order to tackle this issue and attract the children to utilize the library, this paper proposes a Children book locating system without indoor positioning using "Aurasma" augmented reality tool and smart phones, respectively. To understand the performance of manual book locating, the control group employs the book locating manual to the locate the related books. Moreover, to compare the performance with the book locating system using indoor positioning, the smart watches are introduced from the public library. Both the average locating accuracy and the average locating time are used to evaluate the performance among the control group, the smart watch group and the proposed system group. Furthermore, the experimental results show that the average book locating accuracy of the proposed system group is superior to that of both the control group and the smart watch group. The smart watch group is superior to the control group as well. On the other hand, as to the average book locating time, the performances of both the proposed system and smart watch group are superior to that of the control group. However, there is no significant difference between the proposed system and smart watch group. Finally, the feasibility of the proposed system is discussed and furtherly some suggestion and future works are presented.
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