In the digital era, knowledge acquisition and reading are no longer limited to print media. Because e-books can be read anytime and anywhere, libraries have recently expanded their e-book collections, which have constituted an increasing proportion of the library's entire collection. This study surveyed the users of Ebook Taipei-the e-book platform of Taipei Public Library using the platform as a case. Use situation and satisfaction were quantitatively investigated with respect to differences between subgroups of platform users. The questionnaire comprised five sections: platform information, platform functions, platform usage, platform usability, and overall satisfaction toward the platform, the data of which were supplemented by answers to open-ended questions at the end of each section. The data of 295 valid questionnaires were analyzed using statistical software. The results revealed the following about the Ebook Taipei platform: (1) most users were students aged 21-30 years; (2) the average use duration was ≤30 min, indicating that most users consumed the e-books intermittently; (3) users who used the platform more frequently exhibited greater satisfaction with it; (4) users were generally satisfied with the platform; however, they expressed a desire for a higher borrowing limit and more expansive library collection. The following suggestions were proposed based on the results. First, libraries should expand their budget for procuring e-books. Second, libraries should collaborate with other libraries or e-book platforms to expand the range of resources that they provide to users. Third, libraries should conduct regular surveys on their e-book platforms. The survey results can be used to improve budgetary allocation in the face of limited resources, which improves service quality. Fourth, libraries should organize publicity campaigns for their e-book platforms and educate the public on how to use them. Fifth, to improve their e-book platforms, libraries should collect data on user habits and the platform's operation smoothness.
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