


Conservation First an Analysis of Collective Action and Institutions in the Regional Conservation Initiative at Holung River, Miaoli County




戴興盛(Hsing-Sheng Tai);謝妙勤(Miao-Chin Hsieh)


溪流保育 ; 保育團體 ; 社會資本 ; 環境治理 ; 經濟誘因 ; river conservation ; conservation groups ; social capital ; environmental governance ; economic incentive




48期(2007 / 06 / 01)


67 - 86






This paper aims to study the empirical experiences of regional, self-governing conservation initiatives in Taiwan. As a case study, we investigate the regional conservation initiative at Holung River, Miaoli County. Empirical findings show that the Miaoli River Conservation Association (MLRCA) represents the core of the regional initiative at Holung River. The MLRCA has successfully initiated conservation efforts. Based on an initial value judgment by those first involved, together with geographical considerations surrounding the Holung River, conservation efforts have been the sole focus to date. This has contributed to building social capital, fostering collective action and strengthening institutional capacity, which in turn has helped achieve conservation performance. In addition, the MLRCA has been the core of a conservation network, which combines initiatives at various governing levels. However, because of a lack of economic incentives and economic resources for mobilization for a long time, the collective action and institutional capacity of the MLRCA has been undermined in recent years.

主题分类 人文學 > 地理及區域研究
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