


Change of Pattern and Expansion in the Developed Area of Mid-Upper Course of Keelung River Catchment




王翠華(Tsui-Hua Wang);林俊全(Jiun-Chuan Lin)


土地覆蓋與利用變遷 ; 基隆河流域 ; 汐止 ; 坡地災害 ; LUCC ; Keelung River ; Sijhih City ; slope hazard




49期(2007 / 09 / 01)


23 - 38




本研究以基隆河中上游流域為研究區,藉由土地利用資料及航空照片(1983-2004年)共四個年代的資料,判釋建地分佈,利用GIS分析,並以圖面資訊計算各時期聚的分布及變遷速率,檢視研究區內建地變遷的型態及重心,分析其擴張型態,並進行實際野外觀測驗證。本研究目的有三:1.探討各時期建成地的分布及變遷速率;2.研究區內建地變遷的重心及型態;3.坡度因子對建地變遷的影響。研究結果顯示:1.各時期已開發的建地變遷的面積,第一時期(1983-1988年)平均每年增加0.88平方公里;第二時期(1988-1995年)平均每年增加0.41平方公里;第三時期(1995-2004年)平均每年增加0.33平方公里,建地擴張的速度逐漸變慢,擴張速度最快的地方爲臺北縣汐止市、基隆市的安樂區與七堵區。2.變遷的空間特性:第一時期的建地分布較為零散,以山坡地社區擴張爲主;第二時期集中於汐止市(占開發地區35%)與基隆市安樂區(占開發地區20%),由原有建成地沿交通路線呈線狀向外擴張;第三時期集中於基隆河主流沿岸,原先低度利用的土地利用型態轉變成高度利用的型態。3.坡度因子對建地變遷的影響:建地擴張發展受坡度因素影響很大,90%以上建地分布於三級坡以下。 本研究以空間觀點歸納了基隆河流域發展,彌補了以往純描述性的分析,並提供建成地發展更精確的量化分析與空間分析。建成地的變遷,對環境容易造成不良影響,應持續監測。這些潛在災害可經由各種地圖資料的套疊、航照判釋、個案分析與實地勘察歸納之,本研究提供了一個建地變遷研究的良好例子,以及重要的基礎供後續研究做參考。


This study focuses on the spatial and temporal change of developed areas in the mid-upper part of Keelung River Catchment. The evolution of land-use patterns is based on the distribution and change of developed areas in different periods. Specifically, this study includes the following three topics of this study include: (a) the distribution and change of developed areas; (b) the hotspots of developed areas; (c) the relationship between slope inclination and developed area. This study identifies three different periods, including period Ⅰ (1983-1988), period Ⅱ (1988-1995), and period Ⅲ (1995-2004). The rates of increase of developed areas in these three periods are 0.88, 0.41 and 0.33 km^2 per year respectively showing a declining trend. Si-Jhih City of Taipei County and An-Lo, Chi-Tu District of Keelung City are the fastest urbanized areas in the whole study area. The expansion of developed areas in period I was mainly located in hillslope areas. In period Ⅱ, the expansion took place mostly located in Si-Jhih City of Taipei County and An-Lo District of Keelung City with 35% and 25% of total development in the period. Development in the third period was mainly located in the bank area of Keelung River. The low intensity development was replaced by high intensity. Additionally, slopes affected the distribution of built-up areas; more than 90% of built-up areas waere located in the region flatter than slope category Ⅲ. This study provides a quantitative analysis of distribution and evolution of developed areas in the upper part of Keelung River Catchment. It can be the basis for monitoring land-use/cover change in this area. By using aerial photo interpretation, data overlay, case study and field investigation, this study provides a detailed account of changes of built-up areas change and serve as an example for future studies.

主题分类 人文學 > 地理及區域研究
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