


Incentive Crowding-out and Community-based Conservation a Comparative Study of Two Cases in Eastern Taiwan




莊武龍(Wu-Long Jhuang);戴興盛(Hsing-Sheng Tai)


溪流保育 ; 排擠效果 ; 經濟誘因 ; 共有資源 ; river conservation ; crowding-out effect ; economic incentive ; common-pool resources




56期(2009 / 08 / 01)


17 - 38






This paper aims to study the use of economic incentive in community-based conservation, and the subsequent crowding-out effect. It also analyses the impact of crowding-out effect on collective action at the community level. With a comparative study of two cases in Eastern Taiwan, we investigate why crowding-out effect arises and how it evolves. The comparative study shows that crowding-out effect does exist. The main cause for this effect is that: economic interests generally induce intra-community rent-seeking and elite-capture activities, thereby crowding out the social and normative motives of community members for participating collective action, which in turn deters the will to collective conservation action. This finding demonstrates that economic incentive is not so effective as expected in inducing and sustaining collective action, since its positive effect on collective action can be partly, if not totally, offset by the crowding-out effect. The study also finds out that a substantial amount of economic interests, whether offered rapidly by external institutions or driven by internal economic development, can cause serious crowding-out effect. We accordingly suggest that external institutions should avoid offering substantial amount of economic resources for local communities in a relatively short-term period.

主题分类 人文學 > 地理及區域研究
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