


Analyses of "Urban Sprawl" Factors a Case Study of Taiwan Area




劉小蘭(Hsiao-Lan Liu);許佩漩(Pei-Hsuan Hsu);蔡育新(Yu-Hsin Tsai)


都市蔓延 ; 永續發展 ; 緊密都市 ; urban sprawl ; sustainable development ; compact city




58期(2010 / 04 / 01)


49 - 63




都市蔓延常被視爲不永續發展之主要因素。本研究以1986年至2006年間臺灣地區三十六個生活圈作爲研究對象,應用長期追蹤資料(panel data)分析近二十年來影響臺灣都市蔓延之因素,以作爲未來臺灣地區在規劃都市發展減緩過度蔓延之參考依據。實證結果發現,臺灣整體生活圈向都市中心的集中趨勢有趨於緩慢的情況,且1991年至1996年間較其他時期呈現明顯的蔓延趨勢。另外,從各生活圈層級來看,都會型的生活圈大致呈現蔓延的趨勢,且以臺北、高雄生活圈爲主;臨接都會區之次中心生活圈亦呈現蔓延發展的趨勢,其餘的呈現緊密發展的趨勢。此外根據蔓延影響因素模型實證結果得知,高速公路、所得、三級產業就業人數比與都市蔓延成顯著之正向關係;都市的房價與都市蔓延程度亦存在一定之相關性。


Urban sprawl is regarded as not good for sustainable development. In this research we applied panel data from 1986 to 2006 of 36 living Perimeters in Taiwan Area to find out the factors that cause the urban sprawl. The results reveal that urbanization is slowing down. From 1991 to 1996, the urban spatial sprawl is significant in Taiwan Area. Metropolitan areas and sub-metropolitan areas have been spreading, and it is trendy that the other areas have become more and more compact. All things considered, highway, income, and the ratio of tertiary employment are positively related to urban sprawl. Housing price in the urban area also has some relationship with urban sprawl.

主题分类 人文學 > 地理及區域研究
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