


The Changing Conception of Public Goods and Urban Governance from Neo-classical to New Institutional Economics




陳建元(Simon Chien-Yuan Chen)


公共財 ; 俱樂部財 ; 都市治理結構 ; 財產權 ; 交易成本 ; public goods ; club goods ; urban governance ; property rights ; transaction cost




58期(2010 / 04 / 01)


65 - 88






The theory of public goods under economic conditions has always been a core issue in traditional urban planning and governance. However, the practice of traditional urban planning and governance based on the public goods theory over the last century has not been successful, which has subsequently led to further discussions from scholars in economics and urban planning. Many western scholars apply New Institutional Economics to re-assess the concept of public goods and institutional choice, which has resulted in insightful discoveries. They may be of help to Taiwan's planning and geography researchers, practitioners and policy-makers. Therefore, the main purpose of this paper is to introduce recent discussions of and concepts about the public goods theory from western economists and planning scholars, from neo-classics economics to new institutional economics. Recent discussions show that pure public goods are, actually, rare. The most common shared resources are club goods; these club goods have manifold characteristics, and are accessible in accordance with each club member’s societal and economic status. Therefore, from both theoretical and practical viewpoints, government does not have to be the sole supplier of public goods and urban governance. The supply of common pool resources shows that there are many possibilities for the urban governance structure. Moreover, the transaction cost theory demonstrates the institutional spectrum of urban governance and their differences. All of these insights, based on New Institutional Economics are valuable to Taiwan's urban planning and urban governance.

主题分类 人文學 > 地理及區域研究
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