


Urban Governance and the Production of New State Spaces in Western Europe, 1960-2000




尼爾•博任納(Neil Brenner);張城國(Cheng-Guo Zhang)


都市管治 ; 國家尺度重構 ; 國家空間性 ; 全球地方化戰略 ; 路徑依賴 ; 歐洲 ; urban governance ; state rescaling ; state spatiality ; glocalization strategies ; path dependency ; Europe




60期(2010 / 12 / 01)


153 - 185




在全球化和後威斯特伐利亞世界秩序形成的當代論辯背景下,本文對1970年代以來西歐的國家空間再結構(state spatial restructuring)進行了詮釋。當眾多有關全球化和國家變貌的分析已聚焦於新型超國家政體的建構(如歐盟),本文的爭辯則在於,次國家尺度(特別是那些主要的都市區域)凸顯了一個至關重要的制度性場域,影響深遠的國家空間性轉型正於此得以展開。筆者認爲,都市管治的過程其實是國家空間尺度重構的一種關鍵機制。首先,由1950至1970年代中期,從凱恩斯主義全民福利國家的鞏固到其最終危機,管理-福利主義(managerial-welfarist)形態的都市管治業已彰顯出其重要角色。第二,自1970年代中期以來,散播甚廣的企業家主義(entrepreneurial)都市管治進路已被視爲「全球地方化戰略」的重要體現及其催化劑,而這些戰略正是以全國性(national)國家空間的根本性尺度重構作爲導向。與凱恩斯主義全民福利國家密切相關的是一種全國性的領域平等化方案,相比之下,全球地方化戰略推動形成的則是全球地方化的競爭國家體制(Glocalizing Competition State Regimes-GCSRs),其特質在於:一方面,經濟管制的重要面向被下放至次國家的(subnational)機構層級;另一方面,主要的社會經濟資產被集中於最具全球競爭力的都市區域和產業地區。由此,都市管治便成了關鍵的制度架構,在此基礎上,國家管制的全國性和次國家地理得以被形構;同時,都市管治亦是一種重要的政治-制度性機制,國家管制的地理也經由它得以被重制(reworked)。在結尾處,本文將凸顯全球地方化競爭國家體制加劇一國內部(intra-national)不均衡空間發展的方式,而新的危機-管理策略亦因此出現,並導致國家管制之制度及尺度(scalar)地景發生進一步的分化。


Against the background of contemporary debates on globalization and the crystallization of a post-Westphalian world order, this article develops an interpretation of state spatial restructuring in post-1970s western Europe. While many analyses of globalization and the changing state have focused on the construction of new supranational political regimes, such as the European Union, it is argued here that subnational scales, particularly those of major urban regions, represent strategic institutional arenas in which far-reaching transformations of state spatiality are unfolding. I suggest, in particular, that processes of urban governance represent a key mechanism for the rescaling of state space. First, managerial-welfarist forms of urban governance are shown to have played a major role in the consolidation and eventual crisis of Keynesian welfare national states between the 1950s and the mid-1970s. Second, the entrepreneurial approaches to urban governance that have proliferated during the post-1970s period are interpreted as significant expressions and catalysts of 'glocalization strategies' oriented towards a fundamental rescaling of national state space. In contrast to the project of national territorial equalization associated with Keynesian welfare national states, glocalization strategies promote the formation of Glocalizing Competition State Regimes (GCSRs) in which (a) significant aspects of economic regulation are devolved to subnational institutional levels and (b) major socioeconomic assets are reconcentrated within the most globally competitive urban regions and industrial districts. Urban governance therefore represents an essential institutional scaffolding upon which the national and subnational geographies of state regulation are configured as well as one of the major politico-institutional mechanisms through which those geographies are currently being reworked. The article concludes by underscoring the ways in which GCSRs exacerbate intra-national uneven spatial development, leading in turn to the introduction of new crisis-management strategies that further differentiate the institutional and scalar landscapes of state regulation.

主题分类 人文學 > 地理及區域研究
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