本研究以野柳地質公園爲研究區,使用視覺評估法,模擬不同活動人數分布的照片,於2008年春夏之際隨機抽樣319份樣本,鎖定野柳的主要遊客群-臺灣與韓國遊客,探討野柳地質公園之社會遊憩承載量。研究中討論遊客特性、旅遊特性的差異、景觀差異及活動人數與分布差異等變數是否影響社會遊憩承載量之評值,並找出擁擠感與接受度的閾值。另一方面,裝設監視器,監測一年之中野柳遊客之活動與停留時間,逐一計算遊客進入燭臺石區與女王頭區的人數比例分布,以及追蹤不同季節遊客進入燭臺石、女王頭區的平均停留時間,以作爲推估週轉率之用。 研究發現,由視覺評估法得知:1.遊客因其國籍與景觀區之差異,其擁擠感與接受度之評值有顯著差異;2.空間人數分布不同,其擁擠感與接受度之評值有顯著差異;3.藉由擁擠感和可接受的的閾值交集,推論出燭臺石區之瞬間承載量約爲32人,女王頭區則約爲30人。此外,由監視器觀察法得知:1.不同季節、不同景觀區與不同時刻的遊客量分布皆有顯著差異;2.單位時間內遊客直接進入燭臺石區的比例約70%,直接進入女王頭區的比例約30%;3.遊客進入燭臺石區的停留時間大約是14分鐘,進入女王頭區的停留時間大約是30分鐘。結合視覺評估與監視器的結果,依據不同的季節、不同區域推估發現,春季每日燭臺石區大約可以容受1,906人,女王頭區約爲2,262人;夏季燭臺石約1,519人,女王頭區約爲1,624人;秋季燭臺石約1,806人,女王頭區約爲1,986人;冬季燭臺石約1,902人;女王頭區約爲1,614人。
This research focuses on Taiwanese and Korean visitors in Yehliu Geopark. The purpose is, by means of visual approach, to measure social carrying capacity and factors correlating with carrying capacity evaluation. Image capture technology was used on a series of photographs to simulate the number of visitors in Yehliu simultaneously. A random sample of 319 visitors was surveyed during the spring and summer of 2008.
Major findings of this study are summarized as followed: 1. The visitors' crowding perception and acceptability vary with their nationality and different scenic areas. 2. The number and distribution of visitors influence their evaluations of crowding perception and acceptability. 3. The momentary social recreational carrying capacity of Candleholder Rock Area and Queen's Head Area are 32 visitors and 30 visitors respectively. Furthermore finding based on monitoring are as follows: 1. The number and distribution of visitors change tremendously with seasons and scenic areas. 2. It was found that 70% of visitors went straight into Candleholder Rock Area, for about 14 minutes and roughly 30 minutes in Queen's Head Area. By means of visual approach combined with monitoring, it is estimated that social recreational carrying capacity of Candleholder Rock Area and Queen's Head Area are about 1,906 visitors and 2,262 visitors respectively per day in spring; 1,519 visitors and 1,624 respectively per day in summer; 1,806 visitors and 1,986 visitors per day in autumn; and 1,902 visitors and 1,614 visitors per day in winter. These findings provide a reference for a standard of carrying capacity in Yehliu Geopark.
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