


A Study on Visitors' Behaviors and Norms at Yehliu Geopark




吳宜玲(I- Ling Wu);林俊全(Jiun-Chuan Lin)


野柳地質公園 ; 不當行爲 ; 規範 ; 遊客行爲守則 ; Yeliu Geopark ; inappropriate behaviors ; norms ; visitor conduct guideline




60期(2010 / 12 / 01)


45 - 65




野柳地質公園是北臺灣最具代表性的景點,它富含世界性的特殊地質、地形,是民眾絕佳的戶外教室。野柳地景屬於近觀型,常因遊客在遊憩過程中的不當行爲,造成地景的破壞,進而影響遊客的遊憩體驗與品質。本研究實地觀察遊客的不當行爲,並透過問卷調查來瞭解遊客的環境認知、環境態度與行爲規範。根據調查結果與檢討野柳地質公園之現有規範,修擬遊客規範守則,以提供管理單位參考。 本研究發現,遊客常見的不當行爲包括:跨越警戒線、水邊戲水與海釣、觸摸攀爬地景、採集海產、擅自離開架設步道行走、抽煙與不當穿著等。而遊客對野柳環境的瞭解程度與態度,也會與影響其行爲的產生。當遊客對環境的瞭解比較深刻,且對於環境保育所持正向態度,在保護環境以及規範認同上都有比較好的表現。然而遊客認知的行爲規範與其實際環境行爲卻缺乏一致性,多認同以規範來維持園區永續發展,但本身卻又無法身體力行。再進一步檢討現有的規範中發現,野柳地質公園的遊客規範守則,雜亂散置在不同的告示牌、摺頁與網頁上,資訊缺乏統整性與系統性的傳達,且其中有許多項目已經不符合現在的情況,多以「禁止」等負面字詞作爲規範內容,鮮少告知遊客規範的源由、不當行爲之後果,反而使得遊客無所適從。因此,在這種背景之下,本研究嘗試修擬遊客規範守則,從遊客對環境的認知著手,提供相關環境資訊,讓遊客瞭解規範的用意而改變態度以執行對環境的正向行爲。


Yehliu Geopark is the most representative spot of Northern Taiwan. It contains rich and special geological structures and terrains, and thus is an excellent outdoor classroom for the public. Visitors' inappropriate behaviors can destroy the landscape and damage the quality of tourism. Therefore, this study observes and records the inappropriate behavior of visitors and tries to figure out behaviors and norms through questionnaires, and suggests some basic regulations for visitors. This study shows that common inappropriate behaviors of visitors include crossing warning lines, playing by the water, fishing in the sea, touching or climbing landscapes, collecting living samples, straying from the trail, smoking and unsuitable dressing. The degree of visitors' knowledge about Yehliu and their attitude toward the environment can also influence their behaviors. Visitors agree on the regulations but do not observe them. By reviewing the regulations in Yeliu Geopark, this study finds that the park doesn't explain why visitors should obey rules, and always uses ”No” to limit visitors' behaviors. Regulations are also distributed haphazardly on bulletin boards, leaflets, and the park's website. This study modifies visitor conduct guidelines to change visitors' inappropriate behaviors.

主题分类 人文學 > 地理及區域研究
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