With the rapid expansion of higher education in Taiwan, the distribution of enrolled students has received much attention and been the focus of many studies, yet most results were limited due to the difficulty of collecting data spanning the same period from each university. This research draws on the 2000 census data of Taiwan's population for analysis of the distributions of enrolled university students who satisfied the conditions. The results showed the amount and distribution of boarding students' boroughs and those of the universities matched quite well. However, the study also uncovered irregularities. According to the census data, the number of towns where students attended schools was 308, far more than the actual number of 69; about 56% of students chose to attend schools in their home towns, and about 77% of boarding students lived in the same dormitories as they did five years ago. Possible reasons behind these significant differences include differences in the interviewees' understanding of educational levels, misunderstandings of the location of the schools attended, and census survey methods. We suggest that for the future census, education levels should be defined precisely, items on the census form have to be explained clearly, students should be asked to fill in the questionnaires carefully, and a double-check mechanism should be established to prevent potential mistakes discovered in this study.
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