


The Study of Alluvial Fans Morphometry along Pakua Tableland Piedmont




孫稜翔(Leng-Hsiang Sun)


沖積扇 ; 集水區 ; 地形指標 ; 八卦臺地 ; alluvial fan ; drainage basin ; geomorphic index ; Pakua Tableland




61期(2011 / 04 / 01)


81 - 104






By interpreting topographical maps, aerial photographs and orthophoto base maps, we mapped numerous alluvial fans along the northeastern and southwestern Pakua Tableland piedmont. The study carried out analyse on empirical relationships of geomorphic features from the alluvial fans and related watersheds. The drainage basin areas are promoted as independent variables showing the distribution of alluvial fans in different morphometries. My findings include the following. First, the relationship between fan area and drainage basin area is minimal. This is due to two types of fans in the Pakua Tableland: ”distally confined fans” in the northeastern region and ”laterally confined fans” in the southwestern part. The distinction between cluster I and cluster II, differentiated by two equations is mostly attribute to the fan gradient and drainage basin area. Furthermore, cluster I (with lower fans gradient) is distributed mainly in the northeastern region of the tableland, while cluster II (with higher fans gradient) is distributed mainly in southwestern. Second, since the relief and mean valley-side slope of drainage basins in northeast of the Pakua Tableland are lower than those in southwest and most of the northeastern fans are classified as cluster I. The relief and mean valley-side slope of drainage basin are distinct in classifying fans (a fan gradient-drainage basin area relationship) through discriminant analysis. Third, the fan gradient relative to the basin area in the southwest Pakua Tableland is higher than northeast, most likely due to the higher uplifting rate across the Changhua fault in the western side of the Pakuashan Anticline which influences the topography of drainage basin (relief and mean valley slope) and sedimentation of alluvial fans.

主题分类 人文學 > 地理及區域研究
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