


Research Progress of Agriculture Geography in Taiwan (2001-2010)




廖哲強(Zhe-Qiang Liao);蕭崑杉(Kun-Sun Shiao);郭大玄(Da-Xuan Guo)


農業地理學 ; 傳統 ; 實證 ; 行為 ; 政治經濟 ; agriculture geography ; traditional ; positivistic ; behavioral ; political economy




62期(2011 / 08 / 01)


155 - 178






Since the end of World War II, the study of agriculture geography has experienced several changes in its research approach and concentration. In a chronological order, traditional, positivistic, behavioral, and political economy approaches have been adapted to study issues related to land use, spatial structure, location, farmers and agro-food chains. Based on the four types of methodology, this study aims to compare and analyze the development of agricultural studies in Taiwan with that of the West. Results showed that, local researchers tended to take the traditional approach to study land use. This appears to lag behind what goes on in the West today. Moreover, while studies on other subjects in Taiwan caught on the current trends, they lacked solid theoretical basis and in-depth analyses. Therefore, this study suggests that researchers of agriculture geography should improve their methodology and theoretical basis frequently, so that they can render more solid research results and exchange ideas with their western counterparts on an equal footing. In addition, agriculture geography studies should not only contribute to the accumulation of knowledge in the academia, but should be able to resolve social problems, such as the dire circumstances of the agricultural sector in Taiwan and the unfair treatment that farmers are facing today.

主题分类 人文學 > 地理及區域研究
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