


The Transformation of Music Economy and Entrepreneurship in Taipei's Music Industries: A Governance Approach




林政逸(Cheng-Yi Lin)


音樂產業生產系統 ; 創業精神 ; 治理 ; 文化經濟 ; music industry production system ; entrepreneurship ; governance ; cultural economy




63期(2011 / 12 / 01)


65 - 88






Entrepreneurship is a crucial factor driving the development of city-regions. While Taiwan's music industries increasingly moved toward a new development path of post-industrial music economy, new music economy influenced by the rise of internet piracy spurred a new boom on music entrepreneurship. Although existing research of local cultural entrepreneurship has become an important issue within organizational studies, less discussion are given on the regional governance and particularities of entrepreneurship in cultural industries. This paper aims to analyze what is the entrepreneurship and governance challenges of Taipei's music industries. Major findings, based on semi-structure interviews of Taipei music enterprises, explained two issues of post-industrial music economy development. We firstly analyzed how are the transformative features of pop music market and its impacts on music entrepreneurship. Second, the adaptation of music industries and their governance characters of music entrepreneurship also were further examined. In conclusion, this paper argues that new forms of music entrepreneurship, which connect with the new media industries, focus on the promotions of digital music service and live music performance activities rather than on the physical music sales. It implied that music industries rely much on the exploitation of distribution system and the co-creation of music producers and consumers rather than on a creative music network. Finally, some policy implications of promoting music entrepreneurship are also discussed.

主题分类 人文學 > 地理及區域研究
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