
流動的人民故事 桃園縣水庫移民遷徙過程的研究


The People's Story of Mobility: A Study of the Migration due to the Construction of Reservoir in Taoyuan County




陳其澎(Chie-Peng Chen)


流動 ; 石門水庫 ; 移民 ; mobility ; Shihmen Reservoir ; migration




64期(2012 / 04 / 01)


67 - 96






Tracing back in time, the spatial development of Taoyuan County is like a history of ”mobility”. The opening of irrigation channels, push cars, railways, and the high speed railway and the construction of the Shihmen Reservoir changed the regional landscape. The reservoir induced great mobility of the population, immigrants moving out and immigrating in the area fairly witnessed this particular period in history. Here I investigate the development influence and spatial transition caused by the construction of the reservoir to the flow of people through the temporal axis. Related mobility study include body mobility, basic transportation and communication device installations, spatial re-building of capitalization, displacement and migration, citizenship and cross-internationalism, and recreation and tourism. The dialectical relation between nomadic and sedentary appears to be the main knowledge output source during mobility discussion, thus the main focus of this study was emphasized on the knowledge output process of displacement and migration. When people encounter the dilemma of displacement, by narrating stories in a journey, people's imagination are extended and present situations are changed. This paper collected the personal stories and experiences of different immigrants, caused by the construction of the Shihmen Reservoir. In addition, by comparing the people that moved out against their own will and the people that immigrated voluntarily, I profoundly explored their place and meaning in the society, history and culture in Taiwan, not just solely wrote migration stories.

主题分类 人文學 > 地理及區域研究
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