


Evaluating Management Effectiveness of the Chi-Ku Black-Face Spoolbill (Platalea minor) Wildlife Refuge of Southern Taiwan




何立德(Lih-Der Ho);羅柳墀(Liu-Chi Lo);盧道杰(Dau-Jye Lu);陳維立(Wei-Li Jasmine Chen);徐嘉鴻(Chia-Hong Shiu)


RAPPAM ; 瀕危物種 ; 棲地保育 ; RAPPAM ; endangered species ; habitat conservation




65期(2012 / 06 / 01)


1 - 26




臺南縣曾文溪口北岸黑面琵鷺野生動物保護區為世界級瀕危的黑面琵鷺全世界冬季最重要的棲息地,自2002年公告劃設野生動物保護區至今已近8年,其保育效能一直受到各界的關注。本研究於2009年間,採WWF RAPPAM Methodology,輔以文獻回顧、參與觀察與訪談,進行經營管理效能評估。結果顯示其每年至少投入超過600萬的經費預算,執行主要包括棲地巡守維護、保育宣導活動、研究調查與環境監測、硬體設施修繕、人事費用、雜項與設備養護等經營管理工作。威脅與壓力共有12項:保護區範圍的界定、缺乏長期研究資料、自然棲地的改變、食物來源問題(主棲地魚數、養殖型態改變)、管理權責不清、棲地水位的控制、合共開發與建設、資金運用與配置、人力訓練不足、在地社群未參與經營管理、人類活動的干擾、棲地經營管理。臺南縣曾文溪口黑面琵鷺保護區經營管理效能評估結果總平均為2.5在,「經營管理目標」(4.2)、「溝通與資訊」(3.2)、「基礎設施」(3.4)等3項主題上呈現優勢;於「資源的易受損性」(1.5)、「員工的投入與訓練」(1.3)、「財務的投入與分配」(1.2)、「經營管理計畫」(1.8)、「合法的保護措施」(1.9)等5項主題上較為弱勢,在未來經營管理上需要加以改善。


One of the most important international winter habitats for Black-face SpoolbiII (Platalea minor) is the Chi-Ku Wildlife Refuge of the Tainan County, Taiwan established in 2002. This paper reports on an application of the Rapid Assessment and Prioritization of Protected Area Management (RAPPAM) Methodology of the WWF, to assess the effectiveness of the Chi-Ku Wildlife Refuge management. In 2009, we carried out this study in conjunction with qualitative methods including literature review, participant observation and interviews. Results showed that the government budgeted more than six million dollars annually for the wildlife refuge management activities, including guardianship, conservation promotion, research and monitoring, infrastructure maintenance, and personnel expense. The refuge obtained 12 major types of pressure and threats. The RAPPAM analysis identified the management strengths of the refuge, including clear management objectives, good communication and information, and good infrastructure. The weaknesses included vulnerable resource, short-handed staff and lacking of training, limit financial support, management planning, and legal security. These findings not only show an overall management effectiveness of the reserve, but also indicate future management directions and actions for the refuge.

主题分类 人文學 > 地理及區域研究
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