


Towards Collaborative Governance? Opportunities and Constraints for Stakeholder Participation in Natural Landscape Conservation of Taiwan




李光中(Kuang-Chung Lee);王鑫(Shin Wang);蔡嘉玲(Chia-Ling Tsai)


權益關係人參與 ; 自然地景保育 ; 社區與學校夥伴關係 ; 協同治理 ; stakeholder participation ; natural landscape conservation ; school-community partnership ; collaborative governance




65期(2012 / 06 / 01)


27 - 52






The amendments of the Cultural Heritage Preservation Law in 2005 provide new opportunities for stakeholder participation in natural landscape conservation of Taiwan. However, very few studies have conducted on the topics of local stakeholder participation and community development. This research selected the Lichi Badland in Taitung County as the study area. The area is surrounded by two rural villages; each has a small elementary school. The theory of collaborative planning was employed to explore opportunities and constraints of natural landscape conservation, local tourism and community development. Many participatory forums were designed and conducted in two villages to enhance school-community partnership and participation in natural landscape conservation programs of the badland area.We found that the 'school-community partnership platform' was like a new bridge activating partnership between local communities and schools. Through regular panel discussion on the platforms and training workshops, local people and school teachers figured out a common ground of their interests and goals. They worked together to draw up and conduct several community projects which was for better understandings of relationships between local people livelihoods and the badland resources. Nevertheless, there are ten factors influencing school-community partnership, including mutual understanding between expert knowledge and local knowledge, fitness of community projects for school teachers' and local people's interests, leadership and cohesion, mutual respect and approval among school teachers and local people, school consolidation policy, operational mechanism of the school-community partnership platform, available time for participation, equal opportunity of benefit-sharing, stability of school teachers as well as competition of community programs supported by different governmental institutions. The last factor may jeopardize community cohesion seriously.

主题分类 人文學 > 地理及區域研究
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