Since the rise of Complex Science, it has emerged as the new paradigm of urban evolution. Compared with the traditional mathematical model, exploring the urban development with complexity theory can help us understand the structure of a city, such as the handling of different types of agents and the characteristics of limited rationality. Recently, Agent-Based Modeling (ABM) has been introduced in social sciences. ABM is similar to Cellular Automata (CA), but it is more effective in modeling the real world of urban development. Nevertheless, ABM has its limitation in studying intangible entities such as the strategy of decision making. Spatial Garbage Can Model (SGCM) is a conceptual model to explore urban development. This research intends to reconstruct the SGCM through ABM, and incorporate adaptability and irreversibility, by viewing the SGCM as an artificial society and testing this system in terms of self-organization, as well as finding out institutional and spatial emergence which influence urban development processes. Results showed that the system self-organized itself, that institutional structures were more efficient in problem-solving than spatial structures, and that the characteristics of self-organization of spatial structures were more significant than institutional structures. In addition, the interaction between spatial and institutional structures was significant. The implication is that we should focus on both in making plans for urban development, rather than solely on spatial structures as traditionally practiced.
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