


Biosecurity, Herbal Cooling Tea and the Cultural Regionalism of Lingnan




黃宗儀(Michelle Tsung-Yi Huang);胡俊佳(Chun-Kai Woo)


生命安全 ; 文化區域主義 ; 嶺南 ; 中醫藥產業 ; 涼茶 ; Biosecurity ; cultural regionalism ; Lingnan ; industry of Traditional Chinese Medicine ; herbal cooling tea




71期(2013 / 12 / 01)


49 - 68




本文探討廣東省在SARS爆發後的中醫藥產業發展,透過生命安全(biosecurity)概念與文化區域主義(cultural regionalism)的視角來理解當代生命政治治理與地方產業發展的交互作用。文章首先概述環境決定論與中醫風土體質觀下的「嶺南」概念,並說明文化區域主義對理解嶺南中醫藥文化區域之啟發。接著分析中醫藥文化論述如何接合了生命政治不同操作尺度的行動者(國家-區域-個人)。中央政府以中醫藥易於個人取為保健之用作為建立「中國特色」的醫療發展途徑;廣東省政府的中醫藥強省政策則用養生習俗詮釋嶺南的中醫藥文化,及其與「中華文化」的關係。在此治理脈絡中,個人健康成為生命安全與防疫的切入點,串連國族和地方身體象徵的民族性。之後本文以「涼茶申遺」活動為例,說明中醫藥方象徵的嶺南地域文化成為生命政治治理的動力與區域產業合作的論述平台。廣東省於2006年推動「涼茶申遺」,向中央申報地方藥企生產的涼茶飲料為「非物質文化遺產」。本研究指出「涼茶申遺」主張的「嶺南人」體質與風俗文化,其實呼應了中央與地方以「社會事業」概念涵蓋公益服務與產業發展的政策方針,以維護人民健康和地方文化為名,推動政府發展地方產業相關政策,並促成地方政府與區域中醫藥企業的合作。最後文章討論申遺活動與涼茶產業區域合作隱含的地緣政治操作:廣東省政府為鞏固廣東省在中醫藥市場的影響力,聯合粵港澳共同申遺,確立了三地同屬涼茶象徵的嶺南中醫藥文化區域,並強調涼茶為區域間共有的文化遺產,但將廣西排除於嶺南文化的正統性之外。換言之,「嶺南」中醫藥文化論述形塑的地方文化意象,並非本質化的現象或概念,而是複雜的經濟、文化與政治力之施作場域,其中牽涉新的空間想像與區域身份的重組,規範了行動者的參與,也決定了地方之間的地緣政治。


Through case studies on the development of Chinese medicine in Guangdong Province in the aftermath of SARS, this study first points out how Chinese governments have transformed the governance crisis caused by the outbreak of SARS into an opportunity for regional industrial integration in the Pearl River Delta by appropriating the cultural identity of Lingnan (嶺南). The Traditional Chinese Medicine (hereafter abbreviated as TCM) theory of ”natural conditions” (風土) and ”physical temperament” (體質) supports the existence of Lingnan as a homogeneous cultural region. Both central and local governments rely on discourses regarding self care from Lingnan TCM to identify the region and promote industrial integration. The practice of TCM in Lingnan thus not only serves as an effective antidote to control epidemics but also as a fashionable approach to individual healthcare in a risky age, and a cultural heritage to pass on. The essay then focuses on Chinese herbal cooling tea (涼茶) in Guangdong to explain how the regional characteristics of Lingnan as symbolized by TCM theory have been mobilized to enhance biopolitical governance. Under the moniker of biosecurity concerns, new discourses engendered by the promotion of social undertaking and preservation of cultural heritage provide a basis for regional political and economic cooperation. Critically examining the significance of the discourses and identities mobilized for regionalization, based on the concept of Lingnan as a cultural region, the theory of TCM, and discourses of biosecurity, this study attempts to demonstrate that cultural factors deserve rigorous analysis when addressing contemporary regional governance.

主题分类 人文學 > 地理及區域研究
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