


Building a Creative City Some Myths and Limitations of the Policy Discourse in Taipei City




邱淑宜(Shu-Yi Chiu);林文一(Wen-I Lin)


創意城市 ; 創意階級 ; 都市復興 ; Creative city ; creative class ; urban regeneration




72期(2014 / 03 / 01)


57 - 84




在全球創意城市的競逐中,Florida(2002, 2005)和Landry(2000)的創意城市和創意階級的論述,被全球各國和臺灣的政策制訂者,視為發展新的、進步與希望的都市復興的寶典。本文以臺北市近年相關的創意城市的政策論述和實施計畫為例,藉由晚進相關的研究文獻、歐美案例、及創意城市的論述中已經被反思與批判的部分,進一步比對臺北市新的都市競爭策略,有哪些論述/議題是被凸顯或是被忽略?並藉由訪談和觀察資料與西方論述的交織對話,討論隱藏在臺北市新的都市形象背後,可能的迷思和限制。


The Taiwanese Government, together with policy-makers worldwide, has employed the notions of creative city and creative class developed by Florida (2002, 2005) and Landry (2000) as a new, progressive and hopeful panacea for urban regeneration. This paper uses the example of Taipei City to explore how the Taipei City Government transfers this global epidemic of creative city to their policy rhetoric and action plans through policy learning and book translations. It also discusses the aspects of discourse that have been highlighted and neglected in the policy texts and plans of Taipei City related to the development of creative city and creative class. It employs the reflections and criticisms addressed in the English literature, and case studies involving North American and European cities, to examine the possible myths and limitations behind the new image of Taipei City.

主题分类 人文學 > 地理及區域研究
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