


Three Vital Functions of Agriculture as Institutional Alleviation Taiwan's Farmland Neoliberalization, Regulation Process, and the Restructuring of Agricultural Regime




藍逸之(I-Chih Lan);李承嘉(Chen-Jai Lee)


後生產論 ; 多功能性 ; 新自由主義 ; 制度舒緩 ; 新農業體制 ; Postproductivism ; multifunctionality ; neoliberalism ; institutional alleviation ; new agricultural regime




76期(2015 / 03 / 01)


25 - 68






In this study of the emergent neoliberal geography based on critical spatial political economy, two reference frameworks that have caused widespread international arguments, 'postproductivism' and 'agricultural multifunctionality', were used to explore the socio-economic driving force behind Taiwan's new agricultural regime and farmland transformation. The research results suggest that, compared to postproductivism, multifuntionality may provide a healthier alternative against the disastrous neolibralism. In Taiwan, which has been influenced by state regulation, the new transiting regime apparently favors the route towards postproductivism and is attempting to implement agricultural reforms that conform to neoliberal ideology to create new production of space for flexible capital accumulation. The structural malfunction has caused a bottleneck due to loss of farmland resources and relative deprivation in agricultural sector.

主题分类 人文學 > 地理及區域研究
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