


Experience Economy Model for Island Ecotourism the Case of Turtle Island




劉瓊如(Chyong-Ru Liu);李明燕(Ming-Yen Lee);林濰榕(Wei-Rong Lin)


體驗經濟 ; 記憶 ; 價格溢價 ; 忠誠度 ; experience economy ; memory ; price premium ; loyalty




78期(2015 / 09 / 01)


21 - 38




富有體驗的生態環境是離島生態旅遊的重要資源之一,管理單位應首重瞭解遊客的參與體驗,因為遊客的體驗將影響其行為意圖。本研究運用Mehrabian andRussell(1974)提出刺激-個體-反應理論驗證遊客體驗、記憶與重遊意願、價格溢價之關係。本研究以龜山島為實證場域,於現地調查279位遊客。經結構方程模式分析發現:體驗會正向顯著影響其記憶,進而分別引發對目的地的重遊意願及樂意進行價格溢價的行為。最後依據研究結果提出生態旅遊體驗經濟行銷意涵與建議。


An attractive experiential environment is an essential requirement for Island Ecotourism. Ecological attendees' experiences predict their future behavior, so need to be well understood by organizers. Based on the stimulus-organism-response theory of Mehrabian and Russell (1974), this study examines the impact of the experience economy on ecological attendees' memory, loyalty and price premium. Data are collected from site surveys completed by 279 attendees of Turtle Island. The research in this work employs structural equation modeling. Experience has a positive effect on memory, which consequently influences loyalty and price premium. Finally, this study discusses implications for marketing and management in the eco-tourism experience economy, and suggestions for future researches.

主题分类 人文學 > 地理及區域研究
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