


Environmental Benefit Subsidy Impact on Farmland Use Change




張學聖(Hsueh-Sheng Chang);許咏真(Yung-Chen Hsu);陳姿伶(Tzu-Ling Chen)


環境效益 ; 貨幣化 ; 替代成本法 ; environmental benefit ; monetize ; substitution cost method




78期(2015 / 09 / 01)


63 - 88






Urban growth and land developments lead to rapid changes in the peri-urban areas between urban and rural areas. Crop production generally has lower benefits than non-agricultural sectors, and the expectation of land use change not only decreases agricultural investments, but also encourages farmers to retain farm land for future land price increment. Aside from food provisions, external environmental values of farmland include climate adjustments, carbon sequestration, flood regulatory capability, environmental landscape protection and employment in rural areas. Unlimited support in the form of green box policies can directly monetize environmental benefits and subsidize farmers, and thus encourage farmland for farming usage. This study attempts to evaluate some measurable environmental benefits, and compares these with the value of farmland use change. The purpose is to perform a preliminary exploration on the mitigation of farmland use change by the amount of monetized environmental benefits. Analytical results reveal that the climate adjustment is the strongest environmental benefit, followed by air purification and flood retention. However, the rational level of subsidy is lower than the value of farmland use change. Therefore, the monetized environmental benefits may not encourage farmers to minimize farmland use change. Other benefits, such as food production and employment, should considered when estimating farmland subsidy in order to mitigate farmland use change.

主题分类 人文學 > 地理及區域研究
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