


Transformation Cyborg, Identity Negotiation and Spatiality of Hearing Disabled People in Taiwan




萬宗綸(Tsung-Lun Wan)


身分協商 ; 空間性 ; 混雜地理學 ; 賽伯格 ; 巴赫汀 ; hybrid geography ; identity negotiation ; spatiality ; Cyborg ; bakhtin




81期(2016 / 06 / 01)


1 - 26




聽障者不屬於聽人或聾人群體。他們自出生在聽人家庭以來便以某種意義上的離散狀態活著,因此每位聽障者的生命歷程乃至於身體經驗都相當異質。這樣被建構出來的離散狀態,看在聽人與聾人群體眼裡,使得聽障者成為亟需在聽人或聾人文化中得到溫暖家庭的受壓迫者。過去文獻多半延續這樣的意識型態,採用聽人視線下的矯正取徑,或是聾人視線下的聾人文化論,將聽障者論述為等待被完整化的不完整群體。本研究呼應地理學者Wilson 提倡的混雜理解,援用哈洛威的賽伯格政治,重新以聽障者的視線為出發,企圖卸下聽∕聾人凝視的意識形態預設,肉身地理解聽障者的日常處境。本研究指出,聽障者的身分協商並非單方向的權力結構決定,相反地,聽障者的障礙或其它身分是在對話地景之中透過身體物質性、空間性以及對話者間對話動態中逐漸浮現而出。這些在過去文獻中被抹除的動態性挑戰了整體化視角的聽障研究,本研究也呼籲臺灣學界應轉向更為混雜的障礙地理書寫。


Hearing disabled, or hearing impaired, people are not considered to belong to either the Deaf community or the Hearing community. Instead, they are considered to live a diasporic life, since they were usually born into Hearing families. This constructed diaspora, as perceived by both communities, makes the hearing disabled become a group of oppressed people who need a warm home in either a Deaf or a Hearing culture. Previous studies have perpetuated this ideology, and have adopted an approach of medical correction or Deaf Culture, both of which see the hearing-disabled as incomplete human beings waiting for inclusion by either the two communities. This work examines how the hearing disabled negotiate their identities through physical transformation of the disabled body, and by drawing on a spatial repertoire from space to space when interacting with Hearing people. The dialogical dynamic of their identity performance is explored within the field work. This study is in concert consistent with Haraway's notion of cyborg politics, in which a persuasion of a unity is not effective to fight against the suffering. As an alternative strategy, this paper proposes a way method of knowing hybridly to dealing with the fleshy managing the specific experiences of the hearing disabled people, instead of an eager attempting to erase their existence.

主题分类 人文學 > 地理及區域研究
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