
永續發展 一個都市政治生態學的批判性視角


Sustainable Development A Critical Perspective from Urban Political Ecology




曾裕淇(Yu-Qi Zeng);徐進鈺(Jinn-Yuh Hsu)


批判永續發展 ; 後政治 ; 都市政治生態學 ; 混雜 ; 政策轉移 ; critical sustainable development ; post-politics ; urban political ecology ; hybridity ; policy transfer




82期(2016 / 09 / 01)


1 - 25




本文章的目標在於闡明永續發展的建構與國際資本主義發展危機深刻的內在關聯,並說明其中自然、社會的關係如何被呈現,以及歐美國家如何在社會、文化上與永續性連結,以產生廣泛的共識,並且這樣的共識形構了環境議題的道德高度,且在某種程度上擴散到全球。本文指出臺灣從1990 年代中期開始一連串有關永續發展的政策、策略與資源挹注,伴隨著環境教育的興起,2000 年後永續發展逐漸成為顯學。然而,臺灣官方、社會大眾,乃至環保團體與學院對於永續發展的理解與想像大部分移植、轉譯國際永續發展的框架與其模糊不清的宣言,忽視採用長遠的政治經濟與歷史脈絡去看待其中全球資本主義發展中複雜的權力關係;並且,新興的環境教育傳遞國際對災難的天啟示想像,宣揚回到或維護「單一自然」的意識形態,這加深我們對於「社會─自然」二元的錯誤認識,缺乏理解真實社會自然實為混雜一體的能力。因此,本文指認與回顧自1990 年代晚期在激進地理學中衍生出的都市政治生態學 (urban political ecology) 理論發展,提出其中批判永續發展的視角、引介此領域的源起與核心概念,並認為此取徑有機會更核心的理解環境、社會與經濟發展的議題:也就是,都市自然本身是歷史地理的、深刻政治的、高度競奪的,同時也是文化交織的。最後,本文對臺灣的永續發展與都市環境議題提出研究方向的建議。


This article aims to clarify the connection between the establishment of sustainable development and the crisis of capitalism. It demonstrates how nature and society are represented and how western countries relate sustainability to society and culture in order to generate a consensus, whose noticeable high morality standard in environment to some extent proliferate globally. First, the article introduces Taiwan's context in developing sustainable development. To follow global trend in environmental concerns, Taiwan government set up policies and then promoted relevant strategies since mid-1990s. Because of the considerable resources, sustainable development has grown in popularity gradually. Then, the paper points out that Taiwan, paradoxically, transplanted and translated mostly from international dialogue on environmental sustainability without being well aware that sustainable development is to tackle the crisis of international capitalism. Moreover, the ongoing penchant for environmental thinking hails the ideology of "only one Nature" and warns human beings of apocalyptic imagination of disasters. Next, the article reviews the theories of urban political ecology (UPE) that have derived from radical geography since late 1990s. UPE is suggested to be an efficient approach to pinpoint the nexus of environment, society, and economy; that is, urban nature is historically geographical, profoundly political, highly competitive, and culturally intertwined. Finally, we make future research suggestions on Taiwan's sustainable development and urban environment.

主题分类 人文學 > 地理及區域研究
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