With the rapid emergence and development of trades and business between Guangzhou and Islamic countries after 2000, ethnic Muslim women, particularly from the northwestern areas, are increasingly attracted and migrated to the city. These Muslim women who break the traditional gender and religious restrictions, leave the original family ties and integrate into urban society, play a significant role in the new Muslim Migrant community. To fill the gap in previous investigations on Muslim women migrants in Guangzhou, this study undertakes in-depth interviews and participant observation with 10 Muslim women over 2 years. Based on the overarching question of how the experience of migration influences their identities of gender and religion, this study explores the identity construction of Muslim women migrants from three dimensions: their own story of their migration; the transformation of their gender roles in the domestic sphere, and their autonomous religious practices in the public space, e.g. wearing the veil. We argue that the experience of Muslim women migrants in Guangzhou can be utilized to conceptualize the question of identity construction and a nomadic female subjectivity in the contemporary cultural context.
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